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Need help? Take a look at these frequently asked questions to see if your answers there.

Swift Developer Portal aims to help developers and business leaders discover, learn and integrate Swift APIs end to end frictionless. It enables API discovery through the API catalogue, and it provides API documentation with an integrated sandbox where developers can take the APIs for a spin without worrying about subscription and onboarding. Lastly, it is the venue for developers to bring their application to Live. If you get stuck at any point, please contact us through our dedicated support channel where your API related questions will be answered directly by our API experts.

The Swift Developer Portal is for everyone. Whether you are an existing Swift customer or just interested in learning more about Swift APIs, the portal is for you.

If you want to try the APIs in the sandbox and access additional information such as detailed specifications, Swift SDK or Swift Microgateway, you would be required to log in. If you have a account, you can log in via If you do not have a account, you can easily create an account here and log in. Both registered users and non-registered users have access to basic API documentation and dedicated Developer Support.

The Sandbox is open to all Swift Developer Portal users. It aims to provide a hassle-free environment that enables developers to learn the APIs hands-on and early on. Whether the Sandbox can be used for UAT depends on the API product. For the gpi API, g4c API, gCase API and Pre-validation API, the Sandbox CANNOT be used for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to qualify software services. Please use the Pilot (Test & Training) environment for testing these APIs, similar to the testing of existing Swift messaging services. For the KYC Registry API, Banking Analytics API, Banking Premium API and Compliance Analytics API, the Sandbox CAN be used for UAT.

Sandbox supports gpi v3 and v4 APIs. It no longer supports v2 as v2 is approaching end of life in Live. Please see the gpi API versioning strategy to learn more.

This error indicates that the authentication with the Sandbox has failed. Please make sure to set the header parameter ‘x-api-key’ with the 'consumer-key' of the app you created in each of your API requests to the gpi v3 APIs in the Sandbox.

If you used to log in via reset your password at If you used to log in with your developer account on the Swift Developer Portal, and you either forgot your password or simply want to reset the password, please reset your password on the Swift Developer Portal.

The URLs can be found in the OpenAPI specification on the reference page. They are also embedded in the Postman collections; please download the Postman collections, which are also available on the reference page, and try the APIs with differents cenarios in the Sandbox.