Version 2.0 Dev
Version 1.0 Live

Banking Analytics API


Swift’s portfolio consists of reporting and analytical tools giving you direct and easy access to business insights about your financial institution and the global financial industry. You can analyze your performance over Swift and access key Swift totals across markets and countries.

With Banking Analytics API, you can retrieve your own Swift traffic data on FIN messages for reporting and analytical purposes. It serves as an alternate channel for data access through the integration with your back-office applications and interfaces. To use the service, a simple web call from within the user’s software application will help you to achieve the utilization of the Banking Analytics API.




  • High quality data
  • Ease of adoption
  • Enable automation
  • Direct feed to database
  • Increase efficiency
  • Alternate channel for data access


Ordering and Provisioning


The Banking Analytics API is available for free currently for those that has Watch Banking Analytics or Banking Analytics Premium license.

Get started with this API today

follow the step-by-step guide